
CALMICLEAN® is a specific fast-acting cleaner, developed to treat all the stones produced by CALMINIA®: limestone, sandstone, granite.

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CALMICLEAN® removes all types of dirt, the consequences of humidity (foam formation), pollution, pedestrian use or the presence of leaves near a structure...

CALMICLEAN® acts quickly and thoroughly. Containing no potassium, hydrochloric or phosphoric acid, heavy metals or organic solvents, it does not alter the natural colour of the treated stone in any way.

Easy to use, CALMICLEAN® is applied by spraying, it is ready to use and does not require dilution.

CALMICLEAN® is suitable for: 


  • Pedestrian areas
  • Indoor and outdoor flooring with lime scale
  • The walls

It is advisable to apply CALMICLEAN® every three years.


3 to 6 m2 per litre (indicative average value)


store the product in a temperate room, away from frost and sunlight.

Specific stone cleaner


  • Adapted for CALMINIA natural stones
  • Fast action
  • No danger for surfaces
  • Floors and and walls
  • Without acide
  • Sandstone and Granite suitable
  • Easy to use
  • Apply to the sprayer
  • Easy to apply
  • Ready to use